Associates · Affiliates

The Association groups the main importers, manufacturers and distributors of products for Company Animals that operate in the Spanish market. Its objective is to promote and promote the distribution, import and export of companion animals.

Bryo-can, SL


c/ Miquel Romeu, 64 · L'Hospitalet de LL. · 08907

Telf. 93 337 69 82

Bryo-Can is a company specialized in the manufacture and marketing of accessories for your pets.

With more than 30 years of experience in the design, manufacture and marketing of specialized products, Bryo-Can is able to cover with its offer almost all the needs of both the pet and the owner or caretaker.

Product Portfolio

Food , Chewable items , Medicine and preparations

Avenida Pau Casals, 4, 2º 1ª
08021 Barcelona

Mobile. 607 49 69 48

Telf. 93 317 10 40

@Copyright AEDPAC