Associates · Affiliates

The Association groups the main importers, manufacturers and distributors of products for Company Animals that operate in the Spanish market. Its objective is to promote and promote the distribution, import and export of companion animals.

Distri-Proan, S.L.

Dealer | Manufacturers | Importers

Morse, 38 · Getafe · 28906

Telf. 916 964 700

Food for all types of animals, hygiene and cleaning for dogs and cats, aquariums, lighting, fans, filters and pumps, heaters and regulators, measuring devices and test instruments, aquatic plants, preparations and drugs, accessories, terrariums, heating, lighting systems, food for terrarium animals, formulas and medicines, accessories, items suitable for chewing, specific care, health, hygiene and beauty accessories, specific food, care, health and hygiene, accessories, birds, aviaries, aviaries and cages, Seeds and food preparations, Sheets, filters and pond pumps, Spouts and water games, Food for fish, Ceramics for the garden, Pond care (algaecides...), Pond accessories, Technical books, Marketing systems and distribution, decoration material, advertising media, apparatus and packaging machines.

Product Portfolio

Health, hygiene and beauty accessories , Aquariums , Food , Aquatic facility Installation, decoration and conditioning , Technical books , Specific care , Medicine and preparations

Avenida Pau Casals, 4, 2º 1ª
08021 Barcelona

Mobile. 607 49 69 48

Telf. 93 317 10 40

@Copyright AEDPAC