The first WHITE PAPER ON COMMERCE AND THE INDUSTRY OF THE COMPANY ANIMAL SECTOR IN SPAIN aims to provide the professional sector with a tool that serves as a reference for industrial companies and for the commerce of the pet market and allows understanding, from a perspective transversal, who in the professional sector in our country: the study and profile of the owner of a pet, distribution, manufacturers, retail chains and small businesses, as well as the status and challenges of the veterinary sector, laboratories and health centers. It also includes the vision of animal rights NGOs and a Directory of publications, events and publications of the sector in our country.
The proliferation of companion animals in the homes of our country, the growing sensitivity to the welfare and health of animals, and the vitality of the industry in the sector have contributed to generating a consolidated sector and a growing market that stands out for its capacity innovation and its increasing importance in terms of global volume, business generation and jobs.
This ambitious project, promoted by AEDPAC, the Spanish Association of Commerce and Industry of the Companion Animal Sector in Spain, has had the collaboration of the first entities, associations and public administration of our country, as well as the support and technical direction HAMILTON, a renowned market research consultancy with extensive international and multisectoral experience, is the culmination of years of effort and study, based on rigorous and reliable research of statistical data, which allows obtaining a faithful X-ray of the market in Spain.
Participating entities and companies:
Avenida Pau Casals, 4, 2º 1ª
08021 Barcelona
Mobile. 607 49 69 48
Telf. 93 317 10 40