The seventh edition of the AEDPAC FORUM, “The Forum of industry and commerce in the pet sector in Spain”, will be held on February 26, 27 and 28, within the framework of Iberzoo Propet 2025.
THE FORUM, which is held in the same Pavilion 10 of IFEMA, offers professional visitors, veterinarians, businessmen and retailers, a platform for debate with the presence of personalities and experts who will discuss current trends in the commerce and manufacturing sector. petcare market industry.
According to Ignasi Solana, curator of the conference, “since its creation, the FORUM has established itself as the great meeting, analysis and debate point on the industrial, business and commercial activity of petcare professionals and companies in our country. A space open to detecting new trends, generating valuable content and projecting the voice of the sector to the markets, media and public opinion.”
Avenida Pau Casals, 4, 2º 1ª
08021 Barcelona
Mobile. 607 49 69 48
Telf. 93 317 10 40